Brooklyn Sorachi Ace has been a beloved beer since its debut as a limited edition Brewmaster’s Reserve back in 2009. It was the first time that the rare Sorachi Ace hop had been featured in a beer, and people went wild for it. The lemongrass-and-dill hop aroma, the lively, citrusy body, and the whiplash-dry finish of our flashy new saison quickly became the most-shouted order at our Tasting Room. It wasn’t long before we welcomed Sorachi Ace to our lineup full time, both on draft and as one of our prized big bottle releases.
Sorachi Ace has continued to gain discerning disciples since those heady early days, inspiring obsession, taking reviews to poetic heights and converting masses to the way of the Sorachi Ace hop. Through all the hubbub, one question kept popping up and growing louder and louder: why wasn’t this beautiful beer in 12oz bottles?
You talked. You shouted. I personally raised a protest right in our offices. And now, our requests are finally fulfilled: Brooklyn Sorachi Ace is now available in 12oz bottles.
Whether you’re new to the world of Sorachi Ace or you’ve been one of the faithful for years, these new bottles are a game changer. Grab a four pack from the store and introduce it to your friends. Order a bottle at the bar and immediately find yourself the best-looking person in the room. You can even take the four pack directly home from the store and be the best looking person in your own house. We’re happy to bring Sorachi Ace to a new, handsome era for all.
If you haven’t come across our dashing new Sorachi Ace four packs yet, search here for some help. Let us know how much you enjoy the new bottle with a post, Tweet or photo and enjoy Sorachi Ace’s new suit.