If you’re visiting the Hammarby section of Stockholm, Sweden this summer, keep an eye out for the bright new food truck our sister brewery, Nya Carnegiebryggeriet, just brought on board. The truck is ready to crank out tons of delicious food, ready to be consumed alongside fresh beer on Nya Carnegie’s riverside deck all summer long. As you can probably guess, we’re very jealous–it might just be time for a field trip.
The truck will officially open at 2 PM on Saturday, April 30, before the official Walpurgis bonfire party at the brewery. The truck will be dishing out Cubano sandwiches and a vegetarian sandwich, either of which you can pair with a beer for 150 SEK., They’ll also be releasing a new smoked lager, fittingly named Bonfire, just for the occasion. The fire will be struck at 6:30 PM, and The Rockridge Brothers will bring it all together with some sweet, sweet bluegrass music. Get over there and enjoy the witches’ holiday.